Hiya! You probably already know that another awesome Online Card Class has started, and (as always) it is a good one: Clean and Simple 2. I took their first CAS class and I loved it, so many great tips. And this second one is going in exactly the same direction. I'm not having a lot of time to play along and do my homework this week cause I'm super busy, but today I'm sharing a single layer card and that is homework for day 2: Hola! No se si habras oido hablar antes de las Online Card Classes. Es una web dedicada a clases sobre tarjeteria con decenas de videos por cada clase, con cientos de trucos, descuentos en tiendas online y muchos premios. Fue creada por Jennifer McGuire (si no la conoces, ya estas corriendo a mirar su blog, porque es de lo mejorcito) y Kristina Werner (hace videos de tarjetas todas las semanas, diseña sellos y troqueles, y si quieres horas de inspiracion, pasate por su canal de youtube). El caso es que el lunes comenzo su nueva clase: "Clean and Simple 2", basada en el estilo CAS (Limpio y sencillo). Ya participe en su primera clase de CAS y me encanto, con tantos trucos geniales. Y en esta segunda clase ya van en la misma direccion. La verdad es que esta semana estoy muy ocupada y no tengo mucho tiempo para crear y empezar con los "deberes", pero hoy te traigo una tarjeta sencilla (de una sola capa o "single layer") y esos son los deberes del segundo dia de clase:
Just lots of layered stamping on this card, and although I think I would have liked it more without the Gradation stamp on the background, I'm happy with the end result. I used some the metallic embellishments from HA, they are great! I love them! They are flat, shiny and you can color them using alcohol markers! There is still a day left to play along with this HA contest, and if you are interested in taking this class, I totally recommend it! En esta tarjeta hay varias capas de estampados diferentes, y aunque creo que me hubiera gustado mas sin el Gradation (el azul de fondo), estoy contenta con el resultado final. He añadido a la tarjeta los nuevos adornos metalicos de Hero Arts y son geniales! Me encantan! Son planos, brillantes y puedes colorearlos utilizando rotuladores permanentes! Aun queda un dia para participar en el reto de Hero Arts, y si te interesaria tomar esta clase, te la recomiendo porque merece la pena!
Hi everyone! Welcome to the blog hop to meet the new DT for A Blog Named Hero. Hola a todos! Bienvenidos al "blog hop" para conocer al nuevo equipo de diseñoradoras de A Blog Named Hero.
You should have arrived from Sue's Blog, but if you arrived here by accident, go back to the beginning to meet every talented girl on the team!!! Most of you probably already know me, cause I was in the old DT too, but for the new faces, here is a little bit about me: Deberias haber llegado hasta aqui desde el blog de Sue, pero si llegaste por accidente, puedes empezar desde el principio para conocer a todas las diseñadoras de este talentoso equipo!!!! La mayoria de vosotras ya me conocereis, porque estaba en el equipo del año pasado, pero para las nuevas caras, aqui teneis alguna cosilla sobre mi:
My name is Cristina, and I'm from Bilbao, in the north of Spain. I met my hubby when I was living in England 10 years ago, and after living together in Scotland for a couple of years, we decided to move back to Spain. I started making cards over 3 years ago, after I made my wedding invitations. I was hooked! I looove stamps and getting my fingers inky with crazy techniques ;-) I loved Hero Arts from the beginning, so this DT is the perfect place for me! And to welcome the new members on this DT, here is my card: Me llamo Cristina y soy de Bilbao, en el norte de España. Conoci a mi marido cuando vivia en Inglaterra hace 10 años, y despues de vivir juntos en Escocia un par de años, decidimos mudarnos de vuelta a España. Me meti en este mundo de las tarjetas hace mas de 3 años, despues de hacer mis invitaciones de boda. Estaba enganchada!!! Adoro los sellos y me encanta mancharme los dedos con tinta probando divertidas tecnicas ;-) Hero Arts es una de mis compañias favoritas desde el principio, asi que este equipo de diseñadoras es el lugar perfecto para mi! Y para dar la bienvenida a las nuevas chicas al equipo, aqui esta mi tarjeta:
I had to try the new Dylusions sprays that I bought the other day, and they are fun!! I love how vibrant the colors are! So your next stop on the hop is Wanda, but here is the list of participants, in case you get lost along the way: Tenia que probar los nuevos sprays Dylusions que compre el otro dia, y son geniales! Me encanta lo brillante que son los colores! Tu siguiente parada en el "hop" es Wanda, pero aqui tienes un lista de los participantes, por si acaso te pierdes por el camino:
Hi everyone! Today it's my first post done in both languages. I'm not sure if this system is gonna work out or I'll have to change it, so please, be patient :-) I'll use different fonts to try to make it easier for you, so just skip the paragraphs that you don't understand! If you have any suggestions that you think could help me, just let me know in the comment section, please. Now to the important stuff, it's giveaway time!!!! I didn't get a lot of new things at the "miniCHA" in Bilbao, but I have a couple of things that I can't wait to try! Here are the goodies that you can get: Hola a todos! Este es mi primer post escrito en los dos idiomas! No estoy muy segura de que este sistema vaya a funcionar o si tendre que cambiar algo, asi que por favor, tened paciencia :-) Utilizare dos fuentes diferentes, a ver si asi es mas sencillo para vosotros, asi que saltaros los parrafos que no entendais! Si teneis alguna sugerencia que pueda ayudarme, no dudeis en dejarla en los comentarios, por favor. Ahora al grano, es hora de enseñaros lo que sorteo!!! El finde pasado, no compre muchas cosas nuevas en la feria de manualidades de Bilbao, pero si consegui un par de cosillas que estoy deseando probar! Pero bueno, aqui teneis las cositas que podeis ganar:
As you can see, you get a bit of everything: stamps, inks, sprays, ribbon, twine, sequins,... So if you want to win it, just do the following: - Follow the blog, and tell me in the comments. (if you are already a follower, just let me know in a comment) - Share on your blog! If you can, share the picture linked back here, and leave a comment with a link to your blog. - Share on twitter! Just add @crisbj82 to the tweet, please, and leave another comment telling me that you shared it :-) So that gives you 3 chances to win these goodies!!! You have until next Monday 4th of February at 23:59 CET. Thank you very much for all your support these past 2 years, and I just hope there are many more! Como podeis ver, hay un poco de todo: sellos, tintas, sprays, lazo, cuerda, lentejuelas,... Asi que si quereis ganarlo, solo haced lo siguiente: - Sigue mi blog y deja un comentario (Si ya eres seguidor, dimelo en un comentario) - Compartelo en tu blog! Si puedes, comparte la foto con el enlace hasta aqui, y deja un comentario aqui con el enlace a tu blog. - Compartelo en twitter! Solo añademe (@crisbj82) al tweet, por favor, y deja otro comentario contandome que lo compartiste :-) Asi que tienes 3 oportunidades para conseguir los regalitos!!! Tienes hasta el proximo lunes 4 de Febrero a las 23:59 HEC. Muchas gracias por todo vuestro apoyo estos ultimos 2 años, y solo espero que sean muchos mas!
Hiya! So yes, today is my 2nd blogaversary! I can't believe it's been 2 years since I started this blog. It has been a great journey, where everyday I learn something new or meet awesome crafters from anywhere around the world. I love all the opportunities that this last year gave me. My first DT! A Blog Named Hero has made this year amazing for me. It is such a fun team, full of talent, and they are so supportive! Love them all ;-) I have been thinking about changing some things for a while. I started my Etsy shop, and I think it's time I start blogging in Spanish too. A couple of friends have been asking me to do it for a while, and I thought maybe I get somebody interested in this beautiful hobby :-) So there you go, soon, I will be blogging in both languages (am I crazy? Probably yes!). We'll see how it goes! And now, what would be a blogaverssary without a giveaway? Yep, I have a couple of goodies ready for it, but I will be posting the giveaway on monday, cause I want to see if I can get a couple more things tomorrow. This weekend it's our own (very small) version of CHA, and I'm checking it out tomorrow! Yay! I'll let you know how it goes! And today I can't leave without sharing another card with you. Yesterday, while I had all the supplies out, I decided I had to make another card, cause I really loved that color combo, so here it is:
So you still have time to play along at Paper Smooches Sparks with this color combo:
I will be entering this card in the current CAS-ual Fridays challenge too, as I used markers to color the cute elephants:
So I will be back to tell you all about our CHA, and to show you my giveaway!!! Thanks for stopping by and thank you all for your lovely comments and support!